Trident Tools
Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Software
For organizations wanting to produce their own satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB), TCarta offers high-powered tools for fast, cost-effective, and reliable bathymetric outputs.
Multispectral Bathymetry Tools in Esri’s ArcGIS Pro
To analyze wavelengths in satellite imagery and extract water-depth maps and measurements, TCarta developed a set of sophisticated multispectral bathymetry tools, including pre-processing steps, multiple SDB algorithms, and a QA/QC tool to enable users to produce SDB within ArcPro software.
Trident Tools SDB Algorithms
The BandRatio algorithm creates water depth maps by applying an algorithm comparing the ratio of blue to green wavelengths in a given spectrum. The AI-enhanced Random Forest algorithm employs a machine-learning model using data inputs – types of wavelengths, for example – to understand the relationship between the features entered and specific water depths, rapidly extracting depth measurements.
Low and high resolution options
The Trident Tools are designed to process imagery from virtually any multispectral satellite or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) offering the proper metadata. For example, for projects demanding the highest resolution satellite imagery, the tools can extract data from Maxar Worldview satellites; for marine operations requiring continuously updated and cost-efficient data services, the tools can process lower-resolution European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 images. To make solutions easily accessible for hydrographers and other users, Trident Tools are part of a geoprocessing toolbox for the Esri ArcGIS Pro software platform.