Corey Goodrich
Managing Partner
Location: Denver, CO
Corey is a second-career hydrospatial small business owner & manager. At TCarta, Corey manages human resources, finances, proposal writing, federal grants, and academic relationships among other topics–she enjoys keeping her focus behind the scenes at TCarta, ensuring that all resources are mission-aligned.
Currently a trustee to the Hydrographic Society of America and with more than five years at TCarta, Corey values and strives to preserve her perspective as a relative ‘outsider’ to GIS and hydrospatial in her leadership and ownership of the company. Corey joined TCarta after 15 years teaching middle school in Denver Schools, with an emphasis on Math, Financial Literacy, and outdoor education. Corey has a B.A. from Williams College with a major in World Literature and dual minors in French and Spanish.
In her day-to-day work, Corey particularly enjoys breaking down big problems and tasks into priorities and building collaborative teams. In her free time, she likes to spend time with family and make beautiful things with her hands, such as cakes, scarves, and gardens.