Global Bathymetry GIS
An industry leader in providing customized bathymetry solutions, TCarta offers data packages designed to meet individual client needs and requirements. Employed in a wide range of applications, our data products stream directly into GIS and modeling workflows, requiring minimal effort from end users.
Our data are derived from digital nautical charts, single- and multi-beam survey data, liDAR, multi-sensor satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB), altimetry data, and seismic survey derived depths, among other data sources. In addition to a digital bathymetry grid, the 90- and 30-meter GIS product includes our variable scale shoreline data, digitized from Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery.
TCarta’s gridding algorithms apply weighting schemes to each data type based on specific variables, including source, resolution and currency. The resulting output is a continuous interpolated bathymetry product that represents the best available global bathymetric GIS data.