Senior Remote Sensing Scientist, Mascouche, Canada
Dr. Dave’s love for a good challenge brings advancements in SAR to TCarta (#8 in a series of 14)

A fairly new member of TCarta, Bindi brings her background in remote sensing, image processing and GIS to her work with SAR and Satellite imagery and various GIS workflows. In addition to years of expertise, Bindi brings passion for problem solving and a deep drive to learn new things. From distant Mascouche, Bindi lends focus and thoughtfulness to meetings and collaboration.
Learn more about Bindi’s passion for her work by reading her responses to the Staff Q & A:
Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: As a kid I was fascinated by becoming a chef and health nutritionist.
Q: How do you describe your professional role to people who don’t know anything about it?
A: Then & very much now, I tell people that “the cameras & filters we use to click our pictures and make us look our best in daily lives are upgraded a bit more scientifically, instead of mobile phones as platforms-satellites carry these cameras and picture all parts of the earth (land, water, air) and space too, allowing to see, study and analyze it (for some specific problem solving).
Q: What do you love about your work?
A: Something challenging and new everyday to feed my mind and soul (exploring the unexplored in the hydrology realm);Trust + empowerment from leaders & peers
Q: What software or tool makes the most difference in your day-to-day assignments?
A: Definitely for organization, ENVI+Sarscape for image processing (specially SAR) & undoubtedly Arcpro for visualization.
Q: What industry or subject-matter resource or publication do you recommend?
A: I highly recommend IEEE-GRSS publications for various new research in Geosciences and thematic applications, including hydrology.
Q: What is the most relevant real-world application of TCarta’s and/or your work?
A: SDB fascinates me, and how important it is to
safe navigation and infrastructure development in the Marine environment.
Q: What’s your current favorite hobby / past-time?
A: Literally gazing away as the snow falls and blankets the bare trees and ground, along with sipping a hot cup of indian chai….
Q: What country or region do you hope to explore next in travel?
A: Definitely Caribbean…..
Q: What is one of the coolest things you’ve seen or visualized in your work at TCarta?
A: At this point, definitely the inter-tidal differences between the high and low tide levels, and signatures of Sargassum floats & bioslicks in a SAR image. Super exciting…
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Next Hydrospatial Spotlight: Carol Fisher